We’re getting techy here

So my son has suggested that I get my site linked to the best search engine for blogs on the ‘net, Technorati. <a href=”http://technorati.com/claim/ieqn4skein” rel=”me”>Technorati Profile</a>

What’s really cool about that is he has a friend of a friend who just got on at Technorati. The fellow used to live in Baton Rouge and he used to teach elementary school.

Don’t know if this will be a good thing or a bad thing.  Well, here goes….

One Comment

  1. I’ll be interested in reading about this as time goes on. Aside from knowing how many (or few) people read your blog, what will be the advantages for you? Getting the word out about topics you care about, I guess. Anyway, I hope you will write about it here from time to time.

    April 10, 2007

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