Virtual Car Trip through the USA (Thank you Melissa)
Virtual Field Trips to take with your Parents
Virtual Gardens to Explore (Thank you Skylar!)
Reusing Plastic Bottles: Crafts (Thank you, Charlie)
I’m adding in one more virtual garden tour link here
Thank you to Sarah and her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop for sharing this link (1/2022):
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ARTS, MATH (STEAM) PHET Simulations: CodingNRich MathChallenging Math Problems Worth Solving
(By Grade Level) 77 More ideas for STEM activitiesNASA Jet Propulsion LabsDyson Challenge CardsCrash Course Kids – uTube videos on engineering concepts
Inventions – US Patent Office for KidsSteve Spangler’s Home Science ExperimentsSIG Engineering Activities to get you off the screen
Thank you to Sarah and her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop for sharing this link (1/2022)
PUZZLES AND GAMES Set GameLaunchBall Two Good Chess Sites – SparkChess and Chess Kids OnlineSolve Me PuzzlesRobot Repair (Using Boolean Logic) Becoming Lord Voldemath – practicing math facts and become a stronger wizard Nim – an online version to play against your parent
DIGITAL BREAK OUTS Animal AdventureFamous AmericansHarry Potter Escape RoomStates of MatterStar Wars Escape RoomEven more breakouts!
MISCELLANEOUS 150+ Educational Shows on Netflix and there’s more on There’s More!Hoagies Gifted – Activities for KidsBabble Dabble Do – creative crafts Writers Speak to Kids from NBC News VisuWordsHow to Draw Animals w/National Geographic and Disney