It seems funny to take a vacation when you are on vacation. Ya’ll know that I am not working this year. We’ve moved into a gorgeous house NW of Houston and keep a really cool apartment downtown Houston. We just returned from a sailing trip to the British Virgin Islands. We spent 95% of the time on a sailboat cruising between islands and parties. The temperature never wavered more than a degree or two from 82 degrees. There were several small squalls of rain and two pretty good rains as a result of a tropical wave or depression. It was interesting to be in the place where those things begin to form instead of on the receiving end in LA or TX. It was literally ‘paradise’ and it was very hard to leave. I shall spend the rest of my life trying to match the temperature and atmosphere of the trip. I’m such a wimp when it comes to cold. I just stepped outside my house to put some trash away. It’s 69 degrees here right now.
I’ve sat down several times to write (longhand) about our experiences. I still plan to do that along with putting together a memory book of this trip. We had long conversations with the other couple that we sailed with and enjoyed some really good jokes and experiences. Sailing, after I got my ‘sea legs’ was extremely enjoyable. I never thought I would like the wind until this trip. After living in SE Colorado and experiencing dust storms, I swore that wind was my enemy. My opinion has changed, officially, at least for the Caribbean winds.
I’ve unpacked some of my souveniers and completed three loads of laundry, and downloaded what pictures I took before my camera battery ran out. I can’t wait to see the pictures we took on our friend’s camera! You will want to check out my Flickr site soon. I’ll be posting most of the pictures there. If you ever get the chance to sail in the BVI’s – TAKE IT!
I am looking forward to seeing the pictures!