Author: <span>Angie</span>

* The following was an email that I sent to the co-worker at my school in regards to the video she sent me. After I wrote the email, I decided it would be a great entry for my blog. Enjoy!

Hi Mary Grace,
I wanted to let you know of the effect that the video you sent had on the children. I showed about the first 2-3 minutes of class to the students and said that I was ‘advertising for the Nat. Geo Bee. As I watched them watch the video, their faces were all smiles and they were visibly impressed. I got 4-6 more students to sign up for the Bee before the day was done.

The best thing, though, was the social/emotional talk we had after. Our discussion included points like these:

The little girl was gifted spatially, she was highly interested in the activity, she kept coming back for more and her parents let her have more.

We’re not all gifted at everything and that’s ok. Gifted kids are sometimes “out of balance”, really smart about some stuff and not so smart about others.

Even though she was very good at what she was doing, she still needed to wiggle and dance and receive encourage from others (and she still wore diapers). She was developmentally still a 2 year old.

We also noticed that the video was on a site whose name looked Swedish or Dutch so we decided that there must be lots of kids that are gifted that live around the world.

And, lastly, they were so lucky to be at a school that lets them be gifted and kids.

So, thanks for sending the video on! You just never know where stuff like that will go!

Gifted Education

It’s holiday time and I’ve caught another cold (fourth since Thanksgiving). This really puts a damper on all my plans to be so productive during my holiday break from teaching. Reading and sleeping have been about the only productive thing that I’ve done the past two days. I’m halfway through a huge novel called “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett. Being plopped right smack dab into the early middle ages following the building of a stone cathedral is much better than dealing with a cold!

Just today, I felt good enough to sit down to the computer. I’ve been just cruising around, visiting some favorite blogs, trying out some new blogs. I even visited my own (leaving your own blog alone so long in cyberspace is not good) and I noticed a comment left by Michelle at She has a really cool site with a few neat widgets on it. The best one is Shelfari and, of course, with me being a teacher of English, I could not pass on it!

I have to get my son to figure out why the widget won’t load up in my sidebar. It’s probably something very simple but it’s New Year’s Eve and I don’t want to bug him. He’s out with friends getting ready to celebrate the new year. My daughter is out in Jackson Square in New Orleans, my husband went to our friends in SW Houston, my sister is in Times Square and I’m sitting in front my laptop with my box of kleenex. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow.

Another interesting toy that I’ve had time to play with is Google Reader. Now, I can keep up with the news and actually have something interesting to add to casual conversations without becoming a news-junkie like a few people I know.

Somehow, I feel like the little kid who got all these toys for Christmas but ended up playing in the cardboard box that the new washer came in. These two ‘toys’ were free (actually not quite free. I ((my husband)) paid for the internet connection, the electricity, the kitchen table, the lemonade in the Pizza Hut Fred Flintstone glass we bought when we were going out together 25 years ago….I think you get the picture.)

Anyway, here’s wishing everyone a Happy New Year and lots of new ‘toys’

Random 'Munchings" Uncategorized Writing Entries

I am in the process of trying something that is really a cross between curriculums in my classroom of 8-ish to 10-ish year old students. Our school is performing the Walt Disney version of The Jungle Book for the school wide play so I thought this was a natural jumping off point to study the classic writer, Rudyard Kipling. I remembered teaching “Tiger, Tiger” and “Mowgli’s Brother” from the Junior Great Book series while teaching in Louisiana. After a bit of rummaging in the school’s library, I located the teacher’s guides for those two stories and two other stories from The Second Jungle Book., “Letting in the Jungle” and “The Spring Running.” You can easily do a search for online text versions and even audio versions of both books.

In my mind, this looked like a perfect opportunity to put literary circles together for my 12 intermediate students using the four stories. I set up four folders with directions on how to use post-its, the Directed Notes page, a few interpretive questions, a Kipling excerpt learning experience and a creative analysis activity. I used the assignment sheet format breaking down the learning experiences, roughly, into the Bloom’s Taxonomy levels. In the usual layered assignment that I’ve done in the past, I gave the students more choices in each layer but this time, I had an ulterior motive: a grand timeline combining events all four stories together.

The students first response to my question of, “Have you ever done literary circles?” found that most were not sure what those were or if they had participated in one. After our short discussion, it appears that some had experienced a similar set up, somewhere in their past. The students in each group were chosen based on several factors 1) experience with interpretating text, 2) reading comprehension skill level 3) leadership skills 4) interest level and lastly, who was present in class that day.

The students started reading or re-reading their text looking for information to support their directed notes last Thursday. I expected a novelty response on using the post-it notes, so I cut up as many as they requested. Amazingly, one group used more notes than any other (and it was not the group that I expected.)

We are at the point where the students are ready to move to the interpretative question and exploring Kipling as a writer learning experience. (I will write down the name of the book where I obtained the activity the next time I am at school.) The students continue to be interested in the unit, which may be a direct result of the play coming down to the last week of practice before going on stage. As you can imagine, the students are making comments like, “Why did Disney write out Akela and what about Shere Khan’s lame paw and why Bagheera supports and teaches Mowgli.” They are paying careful attention to detail!

I will let you know how the unit progress. I know there will be pitfalls, gaps, strong characteristics, appealing or non-interesting learning experiences. It will be interesting to see what works well and what doesn’t.

Gifted Education

I just read through Prufrock Press’s monthly e-newsletter. One headline addressed the affects of NCLB on the gifted student. “The law is causing many concerned parents [of gifted children] to abandon public schools … These parents are fleeing public schools not only because, as documented by a recent University of Chicago study, the act pushes teachers to ignore high-ability students through its exclusive focus on bringing students to minimum proficiency. Worse than this benign neglect, No Child forces a fundamental educational approach so inappropriate for high-ability students that it destroys their interest in learning, as school becomes an endless chain of basic lessons aimed at low-performing students.”

As I scanned through the abstract, it reminded me of a discussion I had with Dr. Palka who taught all but one of my gifted courses required for my option in Gifted Education. Our discussion took place probably 6-7 years ago. She talked about how NCLB was going to deeply affect the gifted children in the nation. She explained how the money that was set aside for educating the gifted child would be re allocated to the low and middle learners. She had been a gifted teacher for a number of years, then a director at the state level in Ohio for their gifted program before coming to SLU. I figured she knew what she was talking about.

Well, she was right. It took a few years for the effects to ‘sink’ in. The effects are printed in this study and many other articles include the recent one in Newsweek that I have already written a blog about. The effects are felt in the discussions I have with parents, educators and supporters (online and in real life).

Time marches on, parents still look for the best place to educate their child (gifted or not). Decisions related to NCLB made 6-7 years ago will still ripple through our society for years. Remember when President Kennedy wanted the US to lead the way in Science? Those students who benefited from his objectives are now today’s parents. They are acting. They are searching for the best possible place/way to educate their child. Duh!

Interesting, isn’t it?

Gifted Education

I once heard the analogy that visiting a classroom for a day is like looking at the tip of an ice burg just above the surface of water. I feel like have now broken the surface of the water and am peering down below in the clear blue water. I’m seeing just how much I have to learn about teaching such a wide range of individuals. The challenge now becomes one of providing quality educational experiences for at least four different levels of learners. It is a daunting challenge for a fifth year teacher and an ominous challenge for anyone without education training or background; one that should not be undertaken alone.

Luckily, there is research being done on a continual basis in the field of gifted education. Also helpful are the links to resources online, information available at public libraries and bookstores and other experienced educators. I was speaking to a parent of a profoundly gifted student the other day when I reiterated something I experience while working and living in Louisiana. Changes are not made by one individual alone. Many must group to together, all using the resources and research available to create the best environment to educate our children. Not only does this benefit the gifted, but it should also benefit ALL children. It has happened and it can happen again.

The Davidson Institute provides a monthly email highlighting what’s being done now in gifted education. The last email provided links to the gifted and talented programs in two states: Pennsylvania and Louisiana. Apparently, the Davidson Institute has found that only these two states mandate the IEP as a vehicle to provide appropriate education for the gifted child. Pennsylvania boosts a 50 year involvement in the field, and from my own experience, Louisiana has at least a 25 year involvement. The use of the Gifted IEP provides an open communication for the school and parent to meet and discuss how best to meet the needs of the child. The best educational environment is chosen for the student from what is available in the system. In the area that I taught, north of New Orleans, those choices ranged from Inclusion, Resources, Enrichment, and Self Contained.

So my blog entry went from the classroom to the gifted education in the United States. Are we just breaking the surface on this important part of educating a child? Are we ignoring the good that some states are doing because we think our ‘process’ is better? Are we actually looking at the ice burg below the surface or the distorted reflection of the burg through the surface of the water? Are we taking an honest look at how best to meet the needs of these unique children? We have to be honest with ourselves and realize how daunting the challenge is and continue to use all the resources available.

The Davidson Institute Newsletter for October 2007 is available here:

Gifted Education Uncategorized

We’ve been preparing for a school play “The Jungle Book” in the Disney version. I decided to dig out the classic by Rudyard Kipling and conduct a literary circles with various selections with the two groups. Interestingly, neither the younger group, nor the older group knew that the Disney version was not the original (except for one or two younger students).

This whole time, I’ve been recalling the cartoon version of “Rikki Tikki Tavi” narrated by Orsen Wells, wondering if I could ever locate it. Instead of doing the dishes this evening, I’m watching the cartoon online at this site. I apologize for the advertisements and such. I hope you enjoy a stroll down memory lane if you remember watching this cartoon as a child. (


Posted Dec 10, 2006

Narrated by Orson Wells, this animated cartoon is an adaptation of a short story titled “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” from The Jungle Book (1894) by Rudyard Kipling.

I hope you enjoy it!

Fun Stuff

It’s been a busy 3 weeks. I’ve set up a classroom, read through pages and pages of curriculum and designed a program for students who range between 8-13 years in age. Their abilities range wildly, too. All the differentiation research that I’ve done over the past year will come in handy.

It will be some time before my next weblog entry. I need to rethink the purpose of it. Meanwhile, continue to check out the Gifted Education news and the educational sites that I will continue to add.

Most importantly, keep me posted on activities/programs designed for the gifted child in the Houston and surrounding area. These students are very deserving!

Gifted Education Random 'Munchings"

I have had many friends and acquaintances ask just what is meant by ‘gifted’ or ‘giftedness’. I’ve been impressed by the two blog entries done by Ms. Fisher through EdWeek. Her explanations are clear and precise. I hope you enjoy reading her entries. I want to quote her last post here in case you don’t have time to visit her web log. If you do have time, you can find her site by following this link:

Here is her latest post:

Posted: 22 Aug 2007 07:36 PM CDT

Wow… Thank you to everyone for such a great response to my first post on this blog (“My Yard is Gifted”). I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to get everyone talking about the issue of gifted education and – most importantly – the gifted kids in our classrooms and how to best meet their needs. While I already had many ideas for future posts before you all responded, I now have doubled my list just based on your comments/requests thus far. I shouldn’t have any trouble filling a year’s worth of blogging ;o)

In an ideal world, I would respond to each comment posted, but given that I have two jobs beyond this one and – hopefully – another life beyond “work,” it will not always be possible for me to do so. I will be able to cover many requests for information/ideas in future posts (for example: gifted programs on Indian Reservations, boredom, LD/Gifted, elitism, alternative schooling options for gifted kids, differentiation, etc.) So if you made a request (intentionally or unintentionally!) that I think many others would also be interested in reading and thinking about, stay tuned because I will do my best to get to those topics (and many others) this year.

But first, it’s pretty clear that I need to cover that loaded word “gifted!”

When it comes to “labeling” some kids as “gifted,” a variety of emotions, viewpoints, past baggage, interpretations, and misinterpretations get stirred up. Just reading everyone’s comments to my first post can give a pretty good picture of this variety. Having been in the field of gifted education for many years now, I’ve seen and heard it all. So, for the sake of clarifying just what I mean when I use that term here (and of course to get y’all thinking!), this post is dedicated to semantics.

The term “gifted” has been in use in the education field since Leta Hollingworth wrote “Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture” in 1926. Prior to that, it was a term used in a somewhat similar context by Francis Galton in 1869. Over the years, it has become the word we most commonly use to refer to those individuals who are, in some way, markedly different (advanced) in their abilities in a particular area. Maybe it’s not the best word to use (due to the misinterpretations and angst that come with it), but, like it or not, that is the term that has risen to the surface. Some schools do use alternative terms, like “highly capable,” “advanced,” “accelerated,” or “high ability” (among others). But really, even with those, the same issues still exist. (Some people object to “high ability,” for example, because they say it implies that other kids are “low ability.”) Whatever the term used is, we’re all referring to an individual with a rare set of abilities. [“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet.” William Shakespeare] I don’t have any problems using the term “gifted” because of the context in which I (and most in my field) use it and think of it. Knowing that I’m venturing into potentially hostile territory, I hope to outline my thinking on the term here…

“Gifted” does not equal “special.” Yet that is how many people interpret and use the term. [i.e. “all kids are gifted”] Every child ever born (and not born) is special. Every child brought into our world has something special to offer the world. Even after billions and billions of people have stepped foot on Earth, we each remain unique from one another (amazing, isn’t it?!). Specialness is inherent in our humanness. Let’s marvel in and celebrate the specialness of every child and of each other. [Yes, I know “specialness” is not really word, but it fits what I mean and I like to invent words :o) ]

When I, and others, use the term “gifted,” we are not trying to imply that some children are more special than others are. We are not saying that “my students” or “my children” are “more special than yours.” They’re not more special. Everyone is special in his or her own way. All children are special.

But giftedness is not specialness.

And all children are not gifted. Beyond my specialness argument, perhaps this will help:

Are all children tall? Are all children short? Are all children hearing impaired? [thanks for the example, Jill Carroll] Are all children blind? Are all children athletic? Are all children musical? Are all children artistic? Are all children brown-eyed? Are all children ten-fingered?


Are all children marvelous? Are all children beautiful? Are all children amazing? Are all children special? Are all children inspiring? Are all children unique? Are all children full of potential and possibilities?

Yes. Of course!

The term “gifted” as used in the field of gifted education belongs in the same group as the terms in the first set of questions. We do not mean, intend, or use it in the context that would place it as belonging with the second group of questions.

Perhaps this underlies the misinterpretation that has haunted the word for all these years. Perhaps we in the field haven’t done a good enough job of clarifying to which group the word belongs.

“Gifted” belongs in the first set because it is the term used to acknowledge that there are some among us who are markedly different intellectually. Are there some among us who are significantly taller than the rest of us? Are there some among us who are significantly shorter than the rest of us? Are there some among us who are markedly more athletic, markedly more musical, markedly more artistic than the rest of us? We can relatively easily acknowledge that yes, there are. But when it comes to acknowledging that some among us are markedly different intellectually, we stammer and “well, but” and hedge. Because we’re still stuck on “special.” [There’s a great post here (“Failing Our Geniuses”) that talks about our struggle with egalitarianism and giftedness.]

Giftedness is a learning difference. “Gifted,” as used in the field of gifted education, does not mean “having a gift.” Rather, it means that there’s a significant learning difference present in that individual. Everyone has gifts – that something special we each can offer the world – but not everyone learns as a gifted child learns. [Those of you who are really into this will tell me that that’s technically what Galton meant – having a gift – and that giftedness is the presence of a gift, and I do see that point, but for the sake of those who are still stuck on special, can you see the distinction I’m trying to lay out for them? Thank you :o) ]

For those who need a specific example: All children can learn their multiplication tables. Most learn them around third grade and master them by 4th or 5th or 6th grade (hopefully!) But it is the gifted child, who at age 3 or 4 or 5, intuitively develops an understanding of multiples and “discovers” (or figures out) multiplication all on her own. All children can learn to read. Most learn their letters in Kindergarten and begin reading simple books in 1st grade, progressing from there. But it is the gifted child, who at age 3 or 4 or 5, somehow just begins reading without having ever really been “taught” how to do so.

(Disclaimer: Those examples do not apply to all gifted children all of the time! I use them here to help make my point.)

“Gifted” is the term we use to refer to those children whose learning is dramatically different. Yes, if you get right down to it, we all do learn a bit differently from each other, gifted or not (“learning styles,” if you will). But we’re talking here about the significant differences that set these kids apart. They can learn two (or more!) years’ worth of Math in one year. They can read as well as children eight years older than they are. They have built their own science laboratories in the basements of their homes. They use words most adults have to look up in the dictionary. They can spell words most adults have never even heard of! These kids are out there… possibly in your classroom… And they ARE different! The word we use to refer to them just happens to be “gifted.”

[Another side note for those of you who are really into this: I know “giftedness” is more complex than just being a learning difference. But stick with me! I can’t write the whole book in one post ;o) Hopefully, through the course of this year, the complexities will become more apparent for those who are coming here to learn them.]

A final note: I think it’s VERY important that we have this discussion with our kids, too… the gifted ones and the non-gifted ones. And certainly with all of the special ones ;o) As a matter of fact, I discuss this very issue with my students beginning when they are very young. [I tell them, “You know how some kids go to work with Mrs. Zupinsky? And other kids go to work with Mr. Holt? Well, those teachers know special ways to teach and help those kids because they learn differently. And it’s the same here. You learn differently (usually faster), and I know special ways to help and to challenge kids who learn like that.” (The discussion evolves as they get older).] They WANT to talk about this. “Why am I in here?” “What does gifted mean?” They sense the elitism [will cover that topic in more depth in a future post] that many seem to assign to the term “gifted”… this term that has been applied to them. The perspective outlined in this post is a refreshing one for them. It helps them to accept and explain themselves. It helps them to realize that “gifted” isn’t elitism or “more special,” it’s just a different way of learning, it’s just a piece of who they are.”

Gifted Education

Gifted Education Uncategorized

I have a teaching job for the fall. I have one full week and a weekend to prepare to teach two classes totaling 27 students between the ages 7 and 13. Since it is at a school which serves the gifted population, the regular grading schematic doesn’t quite apply. I’m excited, yet fully aware of the amount of work I must do during the next week to prepare for their first day of school on Aug. 27, 2007. I appreciate the administration and board for thinking that I am ‘up to the task’ and a husband who is cheering me on. Here goes!

Gifted Education

I was reading through one of my favorite magazines, “Discover” and ‘discovered’ a few interesting things about September. My birthday, this year, is the Autumnal Equinox and also a national holiday in Japan. Cool! I share the month with these other fascinating celebrations such as the Beef-A-Rama in Minocqua, WI. Can you envision 1,200 pounds of meat parading down main street? There might be some issues if the beef people get with the chicken people in London, KY where they are celebrating the origin of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Their proud achievement is cooking 600 chicken quarters at the same time in a huge frying pan. September is such a meat lover’s month with the Roadkill Cook-Off in Marlinton, WV. The list of featured recipes sounded clever and disgusting.

My little holiday sure seems out of place, now that I come to think of it.

Writing Entries

I’ve been to several blogs lately that have an entry regarding the latest release of the Harry Potter books. The blog entries all read just about the same: “you won’t be hearing from me for a while, I’m reading Harry Potter” or “don’t spoil it for me”. I hate to admit that I joined the ranks. But I am happy to report that not only did I read and finish the book this past week, I did several other things at the same time.

Amber’s home from France now and we’ve been preparing her for her final year at Tulane. We went through the house looking for things she can use in her first apartment and we decided to refinish some old furniture that we had been saving in hopes that one of our kids would need it. She’s the lucky winner! We’ve sanded and painted several pieces and now I have the job of making new cushion covers while she is gone once again (France for 3 weeks). We also went to New Orleans to see her new place and visit with old friends in Mandeville. I did not read in the car, but I did read every minute of free time that I had.

I’ll forever connect Harry Potter and the St. Louis Hotel on the corner of Bienville and Royal now. I finished the book on Sunday morning. Just like everyone else, I feel just a little sad that the story is finished. I find myself thinking about the story and the characters as I go about my everyday activities. And I do have a few questions which may be enough of a motivation to start reading the series again from the first book. If I do, I’ll let you know because you won’t be hearing from me for several days!

Random 'Munchings" Writing Entries

I have invited Zen to be a contributing writer to my Incitement 2007 – Young Writers’ Page. Zen is a homeschooled gifted 14 year old that comes to the site through a mailing list designed just for families who are homeschooling in the Houston area. Please take a moment to visit her first posting. I expect that she will be submitting creative writing in the near future.

If you are interested in ‘infusing your creative thoughts into the world’ and you are a young writer, email me at about your intentions.

Gifted Education

Alrighty, I’m Happy Zen, or Zennie. Any friends will, of course, know my real name. Ayway, I’m fourteen, and I live in Texas, which is cool. I don’t, however, plan on living here for the rest of my life. No way. I want to live in Italy….or Spain. Or both, haha.

I LOVE theoretical physics, and I have a proffesor mentoring me. I’m also a big philosophy person, and I really liked a three week class I took on philosophy of the mind. I think I’ll be a neurologist someday, so you can all look for Dr. Happy Zen when you’re older. I would probably go into neurology research though, because if anything else happens to have something to do with sticking a needle in somebody’s brain….forget it.

As far as recreational goes, I have been fencing competitively for about three…almost four years. All around, four and a half to five years. I started in foil and I am now in epee, and I love it. A recent hiatus proved that. Oh I missed it…and my Russian coach of course. So I went back this months before the competitive season really kicks off to get some lessons in which(may I add) are going fantastically. I love to write and draw, but I stick to what I know so if anyone knows a good online place to learn how to draw realistically(animals hopefully) I’d love you forever if you gave me the link.

I love Phantom of the Opera, and I saw Wicked in April, which is so amazingly fantastic and I cried in both. Hahaha, I guess that’s not saying much because it doesn’t take much to make me cry. Oh well.




I enrolled my two children in a gifted program (daughter as a 1st grader, son as a 5th grader). As a parent, I saw their scores but had no information to compare it to. I just thought they were pretty smart. Then I received training as a gifted teacher when my daughter was in junior high and that’s where I learned that my own children were at the moderately gifted level. When I got a gifted teaching job, I reviewed all my students files to find that most of them were also at the moderately gifted level.

From my experience, I would imagine that most gifted programs in a public school situation are at that level. If my children tested higher, I would’ve never known as a parent. However, I was totally keyed into their social and emotional issues. Were they happy, were they making friends, did they want to go to school, etc., etc. Having gifted children is not all about academic challenge – raising well balanced, inquisitive, independent learners who can function in society is. Raising children who can rise above difficult circumstances, learn to adapt and use their experience to help others through difficult times is also important. If you haven’t had the chance to look at this website, please do: Not every gifted individual throughout history had a perfect childhood! After I read the book, I gave myself breathing room to let my children struggle (some) without feeling guilty. Maybe it will do the same for you.

Gifted Education

It’s common knowledge with those in the field of educating the gifted, that the No Child Left Behind laws have been a detriment to educating this unique population. NCLB is great at meeting the needs of those at, just below or just above the standards laid out but those very low or very high are ‘left behind’. I was glad to see that our researchers are looking into this perception to see if it can stand up under scrutiny. The short article has links to the actual 41 page study.

Gifted Education

Gifted and High Achievers in the same ‘gifted’ classroom? My husband had a discussion today with a coworker. Most of his coworkers know that I’m a certified teacher with training in teaching gifted. Sometimes this brings up interesting discussions at his work. Today’s discussion was with a single mom who had been doing her research. She said the school officials wanted to put her daughter in a gifted class at the age of 7 or 8 years old but the daughter had not tested gifted – she was a ‘high achiever’.

What the coworker discovered was that high achieving students do quite well with the gifted student up to about grade 5. Then a wide gap in processing and thinking becomes noticeable to the students. The high achiever losses confidence at about this age for a number of reasons but to add the fact that ‘you used to be smart’ when compared to others in an ‘elite’ class can do some serious damage to a young person’s academic confidence. It becomes even more complex if the parent has talked up having their child in a gifted program.

My husband’s coworker really feels strongly that there should be classes for the high achievers but she felt that clumping them with the gifted may not be the answer. There are several school districts in the area that have adopted this strategy. Through my professional training, I was encouraged to locate and read research from both sides of an issue before making a decision regarding the education of any child. I would hope that these school districts have done their research.

I’m always impressed with parents who spend the time really digging through the complex issues of rearing a gifted child or any child for that matter. We all want to do our best for our children. I’ve listed several great sites on my “For Gifted Minds: Parents & Teachers” link to start researching the difference between a high achieving student (which the world truly needs) and the gifted child (which the world truly needs) and begin educating them appropriately.

Gifted Education

My HomeBy Rishabh

I see a red brick house with damp green grass. When it is spring where the birds sing on the branches of the trees. When I come closer I feel like I’m going in to the future. When I open the door there is a rush of cold air that hits my face and smells like modern appliances. I see a leather couch ahead and a new polished dining table at my right. I go to my left and open a door to be welcomed by peaceful music. Now I feel I am going into the past with all the simple painting on the walls. I come closer to an instrument, my favorite instrument. I examine like I have never seen it before. I go upstairs to go into the future with video games and DS lites. Where there are laptops, computers, remote controlled vehicles and other things to see. Then, I enter the kitchen being confronted by new and refreshing smells of different kinds of foods. I now feel I’m in the present time. Next I go to the bedroom and I feel cozy and sleepy. Feeling that the bed is pulling me towards itself and telling me to take a nap, a short nap. I thought maybe another time, and I walked out to the backyard where nature welcomed me with lots of things to do, I walked back to the bedroom and looked at the time and fell asleep on the cozy warm bed saying its bed time.



Guided Writing

Of My House

By: Manisha

I am right across from my house and I see a big tree on the left. There is a palm tree, bushes, and a few flowers on the right, same for the left side of my house. When you enter there are to sago palms and a gate.

You enter the gate into a small courtyard then there is a door, my front door. The door has shiny windows on it. It is bordered by an olive green color.

When I open the door there is a living room and on my left there is a hallway. The living room is in front of me. You can sort of see the backyard.

I will enter the living room and there will be a door to the kitchen. I go to the kitchen first thing. Usually my cat(s) are there meowing for water from the sink. The cats are usually on the counter or the kitchen table.

I like the fridge, because when I walk to it I’m hungry. I also like the pantry, that’s where the good food is. I am hungry when I go to these places.

Next, I go to the bathroom, because when I come home I usually have to go to the bathroom.

I have 4 cats and 2 dogs. The dogs are in the backyard. The cats are usually in the kitchen or in my mom’s bedroom. I also have 2 fish, but there at my dad’s house.

In my kitchen there is a table. That’s where I eat, or I eat at the counter where there are a few stools. I have memories of conversations with my family and eating. Well of course eating, because it’s a kitchen!

Then I go thru the dining room into the hallway into my bedroom. I like sitting on my bed with a laptop or with my cat purring while I pet her. I like to pace in my room while I talk on the phone. I also like to read in my bed. I like my bed, because I like sleeping in it and it used to be my sister’s.

I walk thru the hallway, and into the living room, out the back door in the kitchen or the living room. I see my dogs, usually sitting or sleeping. I look at the rocks and trees behind it; I take a deep breath and Splash! I’m in the pool and swimming in the heat of the sun.


My House


I see a 1 story house with 3 pine trees; the driveway is empty, and the curving path to the front door is surrounded by bushes. The bricks are red. I walk towards the front door, and I see a regular-sized door with a beautifully designed window. I see a tile with a rug in the middle; straight ahead I see my living room. To my right I see my music room, and to my left I see a hallway. I go to my living room, and I see my parents. I can smell something cooking, and my 1-year old brother is walking around. I move towards my brother. He makes me happy when he giggles. He looks at me and starts laughing. I go to my room and I play with my miniature basketball toy. It makes me smile. I have a hamster, and his name is Fidgety. He is cleaning his face. I go to my kitchen my dad is there. He is cooking my favorite food, steak. It smells very good. I see the sink full of dishes. As I go back to my room, I walk past the hall. I see pictures of me when I was young. I trot into my room, and I get my baseball cards. They are special to me because I have collected them for a long time, and now I have a huge collection. I look at the pictures of the players, and then I turn them around and look at their statistics. I remember when I got my first baseball card. I go to my backyard and it is very muddy. I sit down in a chair, and it is hot and humid. I look at the clouds. For awhile, I just sit there, thinking of how lucky I am compared to some people in the world.
